We had a great couple in our church who transferred out of state due to a job relocation. Even after they moved, they continued to tithe to our church six months after their move.
I reached out to check on their move and to confirm what I expected to be true . . . they hadn’t found a new church yet.
As we connected a bit, I told them how much we appreciated their generosity but it was time for them to find a new local church where they could be spiritually fed, encouraged and sow financially to that church.
Should Husbands and Wives Keep Their Money Separate?
We met with a couple who were having substantial problems in their marriage. When the subject of finances came up, we found that although they had been married for several years, they had not merged their finances.
Separate money for husband and wife often creates problems.
I recently traveled to a conference with a friend, Scott. Scott has a medical condition which affects his balance and ability to walk without a cane. He made a decision over the last several months to get in better shape. While limited to what he can do, Scott has found lifting weights and walking on the treadmill while holding on to the side rails to be his perfect workout routine.
One morning around 6:30 am before the conference started for the day, I sent Scott a text and asked if he wanted to go for a walk.
The reply simply stated. “I just finished a 70-minute workout.”
Growing up, my dad was always intentional about teaching life lessons. There was one day in particular I remember dad's focus was teaching me about being a good husband.
Dad asked, “Son, who is your dream woman?”
At that time, I had a crush on Janet Jackson and of course she was the first name out of my mouth!
He thought for a minute and asked, “Who else would you consider your dream girl?”
Halleluiah! The No Spend Challenge is over!
In all seriousness, so many of you have reached out on how The No Spend Challenge has tested you and yet ultimately positively impacted your life.
I thought a great way to wrap up this challenge would be to use this post to share our family's results and a few of the lessons we learned in this challenge!
5 Key Steps we took to Eliminate 100K Debt in Three Years
It was after 10 years of marriage, I made my wife cry for the first time.
You see, we had over $100,000 in debt ON TOP of a mortgage for a home we could not afford.
My wife, Carol, looked at me and said, "Travis, people look at where we live and think we have it made, but I can't even go to Walmart to get basic needs for our family. We are living a lie.”
With just two weeks of the "No Spend Challenge" left, we have found it has been just that, a challenge! We have faced several spending decisions and had to make critical calls on whether things were essential or non-essential.
Every January, my church starts the year with a church-wide fast. Usually, my family joins in with some form of fasting from food. This year we decided we would do a financial fast challenge for the entire month of January.
Now that Christmas is over, many of us are thinking about goals for the New Year. Goal setting is such a key activity to ensure we have the results we desire in the New Year.
Instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, our family tradition is to take time each New Year to map out goals for the year. We have done it so long that now we call it "The Annual Moody Mastermind." My wife and I and each of our kids (and now their spouses) take a sheet of paper and answer the following eight questions:
The Christmas holiday season is my favorite time of the year. I love everything about the season: family, food . . . football!
I intentionally thin my schedule down and operate on cruise control enjoying the slower pace of the holidays. The relaxation and time with family brings me a sense of happiness. This time helps me start the New Year with an extra burst of energy and excitement for things to come.
I know this unfortunately is not the case for everyone. Studies show people in the United States are more likely to feel stress increases rather than decreases during the holiday season.
If this describes how you feel this holiday season, keep reading! I have 8 tips on How to Have a Stress-free Holiday!
You may be thinking what extra money? I’m just making it. However a lot of us receive money we didn’t count on sometime throughout the year.
Think about the tax refunds, overtime pay, cash gifts, payments from insurance or legal settlements and annual bonuses from work.
Many of us receive these unexpected windfalls, only to go out and spend it all. A few months later, we wonder where the money went!
Instead of allowing these funds to be absorbed into everyday living and bills, I suggest a proactive approach to dealing with windfalls. I have a Windfall Breakdown we utilize each time we receive "unexpected blessings."
My 20 year old son and I were talking and somehow got on the subject of his future.
It didn’t sound like he'd given much thought about how to accomplish the things he wanted to do in life.
This gave me an idea to help spark his thinking and I created a chart with 10 questions to answer based on: Today, 1, 5 and 10 years. We both answered these 10 questions about our future.
I got a call from one of the most spiritually mature men I knew and he began to tell me about difficulties he was having in his marriage.
He was so frustrated that he was on the brink of filing for divorce!
During our talk I discovered there was no other woman or man. Neither was there physical abuse. They were simply unhappy and not getting along.
He said, “I’m just tired of it.”
Last holiday season, I decided to get serious about my weight loss in November instead of waiting until January, when most set that common New Year's Resolution.
I jumped in and while most gain 5-7 pounds in holiday treats, I lost 11 pounds!
Loosing weight during this time, I felt helped me jump start my year and gave me a leg up on reaching my fitness goals and I ended up losing another 14 pounds after the New Year!
Here are a couple tips I followed to accomplish my holiday weight loss.
Many of the most important decisions I ever made were made in my teenage years or early twenties.
Whom I would marry? Would I follow God? Where I would go to college? What I would major in? Where I would work?
These were critical decisions that have had a huge impact on my life.
Fortunately, I had some wise people to help me make the right decision. I refer to them as “my older self.” They are people who have been where I am and are currently where I want to go.
Here are just 3 Reasons to Identify and Listen to "Your Older Self."