A friend approached me about investing in this "no lose" business venture. After talking with him about this venture, I quickly realized that it was the typical get-rich-quick scheme. No matter what I said, my friend was convinced this business venture would make him rich soon.
Some time later, I spoke to my friend again to see how it was going.
Just as I suspected, this get-rich-quick scheme has not worked out as projected. They never do. There is only one way to build sustaining wealth...
Recently, family and fans of entertainment legend, Prince, were surprised to find out the entertainment mogul apparently died without a will.
Several years ago, my wife, Carol and I were talking with an attorney friend, Peggy, when Peggy said, "Anyone with kids or a home, who does not have a will is a fool." Carol said, "Travis and I don't have a will." Our friend responded, "Then you both are fools!" Even though Peggy had a brash way of saying it, she was right.
Unfortunately, most Americans rich or not do not have a will.
One of the things I enjoy most about being a money coach is having conversations with financially free people. After years of meeting with hundreds of those who are wealthy and financially free, I began to notice some commonalities. Almost every one of them had these ten ways of thinking.
Several years ago, our oldest daughter was about to graduate from high school and had begun the college search process. Initially, she wanted to go to a very expensive school in the Northeast. We supported her desire, but reminded her that we were prepared to pay half the cost of going to a state school and she would have to make up the rest through scholarships and/or personal savings. She said, "Why can't you just pay for it or take out loans like everybody else?" I had to restrain my wife from choking her. I convinced Carol strangling our daughter would not be the best example as pastors.
Powerball recently announced that the lottery is expected to reach $1.7 billion, which is the largest lottery jackpot in U.S. history!
A news reporter interviewed people on the street and asked, "What would you do if you won the lottery?" People rattled off all the things they would buy. "A new sports car for every day of the week." "A mansion in the Caribbean." One guy thought about his church first and answered, "I would buy the church all new Bibles."
Most church members would hopefully answer something like this, "I would tithe first, then..." but would we really?