9 Rules for Taking a Day of Rest


God designed our bodies with the physical and mental need to rest one day out of seven from work. The Bible refers to this day as the Sabbath day. Our bodies aren’t designed to go more than a week without rest. Sure, we may be able to maintain for a while, but eventually our bodies and minds will give out.

A study by the Harvard Business School provides scientific support for the Sabbath day. The study found that people are more productive with a day off than they are if they work every day (Harvard Business Review, 2009).

God created us with a built-in need to rest in order to function correctly. Rest rejuvenates our bodies and minds. It helps us to better cope with life and reduces stress.

I schedule one day off a week as a Sabbath Day. I’m very protective of this day. On this day, I don’t do any work. I jokingly say, “I don’t wash a cloth or a dish on the Sabbath.” 

The truth is I only do what I feel like doing on this special day. Sure, I pray and read my Bible and journal this day, however I don’t feel pressured to spend hours studying the Bible. 

The purpose of this day is to rest. I stay away from things that sap my energy and to do things which provide rest and relaxation. I spend time with my family and do all my favorite things like watch football, read, and listen to jazz. I stick to things that bring me peace and joy. I also dream on this day. One of my favorite things to do on my Sabbath day is take a nap. In fact, I may take two naps. The Sabbath is just my day to relax with God. I totally unplug—no work meetings or checking e-mails. I’m like a different person on these days.

I encourage you to build this habit of taking a day of rest in your life. I’m convinced you will feel rejuvenated and excited about conquering another productive week. 

Feel free to use my rules for taking a day of rest as a guideline:

  • Don’t do anything I typically do during my normal workday
  • Do what gives energy and avoid what takes away energy

  • No heavy lifting mentally or physically!

  • Do what I enjoy

  • It’s okay to be selfish

  • Enjoy loved ones

  • Spend time with God

  • Spend time thinking

  • Allow time for emotions (laugh, cry and everything in-between!)

I hope you enjoy your rest!!

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